The entire project will be undertaken
from November 2000 to the end of 2001


Before autumn 2000:

Martin Heller designs a software allowing to semi-automatically model caves. High-tech approaches such as Laser surveying and video-stereometry will be applied to produce 3D representations on a computer directly on the site.

Winter 2000:

survey of the upper Bungalon river; prospection of the 5 caves our guides told us about; field use of the 3D modeling method; first investigation by the karstologist.

Collective definition of the research program for summer 2001.

Spring 2001:

Work in France on data processing and mapping, as well as computer reconstruction of the photographs of the 6 most important decorated caves.

Visit of the principal prehistoric sites in Australia and/or Papua, to study analogies with the paintings of Borneo. Photographic recordings and 3D models will be used for comparison.

Summer 2001:

Main interdisciplinary mission. Two months in the field, with the full team: speleologists, archaeologists, karstologists and a biologist. Transport by means of helicopters, inflatable boats and four-wheel drives.

At the end of 2001:

Publication of the first report about the missions, summarizing the discoveries carried out in the caves of Borneo since 1988.


Publication of a book for a general audience, a CD-ROM and documentary films.

During all the project, news would be set on line at this web site.

© Le Kalimanthrope, 1999.